Bexhill is a special town, with easy access to the coastline and countryside. It is warm and welcoming, with strong community ownership amongst residents of all ages, needs and interests.

The Board’s vision is aligned with the results of engagement with residents, businesses and community groups; not to change the feel of this wonderful place, but to optimise what our town is known and loved for and help it reach its full potential:

  • Where its heritage and reputation for arts and culture are protected and celebrated and which attracts visitors who admire its unique identity.
  • Where people feel safe, included and where our High Streets, public buildings, sports facilities and spaces are vibrant with activity. 
  • Where our diverse communities are strong, active and supported.
  • Where smooth and sustainable access in and out of the town centre is promoted, increasing footfall and supporting our local businesses.
  • Where aspiration is encouraged for everyone, where residents can feel pride, and our young people are engaged and happy, stay, have educational, skills and qualification opportunities, find employment and, in time, raise their own families here. 

 As the Town Board, we are entrusted to make a major contribution to the transformation and regeneration of Bexhill. We will ensure maximum use of funding, promoting additional investment, prioritising initiatives that increase prosperity and wellbeing for all and that reflect the town’s diversity and more disadvantaged areas. We will seek to maximise collaboration to develop shared vision and improve joint working.

Thanks to:
Margaret Hayles, Bexhill resident and photographer 
Steve Parker Sparc Creative design and print